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International Dog Day

Posted by Jan Roberts on August 27, 2024

International Dog Day

So apparently 26 August is International Dog Day so seemed a fitting time to introduce our Breakers “boys”. We actually have a male and a female but having always had boys in the past our Emma is constantly getting called one of the “boys”. She doesn’t mind – any love is good love.

First up Ansel our German Short-haired Pointer. Ansel is now 7 years old going on 7 months. We think he will retain his puppy-like characteristics forever. Most of the time this is a good thing but sometimes….. He is a bit of an introvert when it comes to other dogs, he isn’t a dominate dog but what we call his own man. Not interested in being the alpha male but does like things his own way. He pretends to be aloof but loves a good cuddle and plenty of attention. Running fast would have to be his all time favourite pass-time.

Emma is an English Pointer. Have to admit didn’t really think was any difference between an English Pointer and a German Short-haired Pointer until we got one for ourselves. More of a boxy face but still oh so cute. Emma is a sweet heart. Bit of a hard start to life but once she came to live with us at 11 months old, well let’s just say she landed on her feet. She loves her little brother. She is what we’d call, or definitely Ansel would call, a typical little sister – ANNOYING!!! Anything Ansel has she has to have too, any cuddles, she buts in as if to say don’t forget about me, any toy, stick on the beach, you name it if Ansel has it she has to try and take it off him. Despite her little sister tendencies, Emmy has a very gentle nature. She is super submissive with other dogs but loves nothing more than to be everyone’s friend. She is great with younger or insecure dogs, playing Mother Hen and taking them under her wing so to speak and putting them at ease.

Our kids – the fur kids as we like to call them aka Spud and Pumpkin, love getting out for runs on the beach or bush walks. Lucky to have a beachfront abode they generally get a run down to “our” beach most days even just for a quick meander and sniff around.

One of their favourite things to do is to visit a sandy beach – be it seaside or banks of a river, if it is sandy then it is all go as it must feel so lovely for their paws.

Going bush is also a favourite (really any outing is but for the sake of this blog….). We love to getting out and exploring and nothing better than the kids being able to come too. The freedom, the smells – it really is a dog’s delight.

We like to call Ansel and Emma Breaker’s Ambassadors as they feature in all of our marketing, most often on our social media posts. They are often a highlight with our guests – many guests arriving asking for the dogs before they even say hello to us sometimes.

They take their roles very seriously as far as head of entertainment and general health & mental well-being and ensure all visitors are made welcome.

If you’d like to visit with Ansel and Emma then check out our website and make a booking – we would all love to welcome you.

Happy International Dog Day to all dogs worldwide but especially to these two.

Jan and Stephen run Breakers Boutique Accommodation on the Coast Road north of Greymouth. They, along with their faithful friends Ansel and Emma, enjoy getting out and about exploring the many wonders of the West Coast and sharing their discoveries.